Welcome to Budget Painters
Cape Town Painting and Waterproofing Contractors
Budget Painters were founded over 20 years ago and today is still run as a family business. Therefore we pride ourselves in client service and quality at an affordable price.
"Affordable Quality"
Being committed to supply our customers of the highest standard of service. Budget Painters specialize in the following as painting and waterproofing contractors:
- Interior painting
- Exterior painting
- High pressure cleaning
- Roof cleaning
- Roof painting (Convensional & Airless Spray Painting)
- Waterproofing
- Joint sealing
- Structural repairs
One of the services that Budget painters offer as painting contractors is to supply our potential clients with a free quotation including a complete specification of products and services rendered.
Our very competent consultants will:
- Advice the best products to suit your specific needs
- Inspect and measure the project accurately
- Assit with the choosing of the colours
- Supply free colour samples where needed
Budget Painters employes only skilled staff in order to increase the level of painting services as professional painting contractors. Therefore increasing the quality of work and decreasing time spend on the premises insuring the least inconvenience possible to the client.
Budget Painters complies with the following trade regulations:
- Contractors and Public Liability Insurance
- Workmans Compensation Insurance
- Building Industry Bargaining Council (BIBC)
- Unemployment Fund (UIF)
- Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance
- Vat registered
Our Services
Roof painting
Interior painting
Exterior painting